衛生福利部疾病管制署 最新消息






(四)免付費防疫專線1922 (或0800-001922)
1. 總機:07-6577711-9
2. 學務處衛保組:07-6577711-2241
3. 學務處住宿組:07-6577711-2275 (校本部)、07-6577711-3215 (醫學院區)
4. 校安中心:0911-885115
5. 教務處註冊組:07-6577711-2118
6. 教務處招生組:07-6577711-2133
7. 國際及兩岸事務處:07-6577711-2082

Useful Links and Contact Info

If you have a fever or any of the symptoms listed above during the winter vacation, please seek medical care at nearby hospitals or clinics, and at the same time notify the Campus Security Report Center (0911885115).
1. Taiwan Centers for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/
2. MOE School Health Information Site: https://tinyurl.com/rne8ess
3. ISU 2019-nCoV Page: http://www.isu.edu.tw/spnp
4. Toll-free Disease Prevention Hotline: 1922 or 0800-001922
5. MOE 2019-nCoV Hotline (for Chinese Students): 02-7736-5623 or 02-7736-6315
6. I-Shou University:
a. Telephone: 07-6577711 ext. 9
b. Health Section of Office of Student Affairs: 07-6577711 ext. 2241
c. Student Housing Section of Office of Student Affairs: 07-6577711 ext. 2275 (Main Campus) or 07-6577711 ext. 3215 (Medical Campus)
d. Campus Security Report Center: 0911-885115
e. Registration Section of Office of Academic Affairs: 07-6577711 ext. 2118
f. Admissions Section of Office of Academic Affairs: 07-6577711 ext. 2133
g. Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs: 07-6577711 ext. 2082